Welcome to Holy Trinity, Las Palmas
Please come and enrich our Chaplaincy!
The Church of England Chaplaincy is a loving, accepting and affirming Church and we warmly welcome you.
Thoughts from the Very Very Edge
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Our Parishoners
Click to see pictures from Easter Sunday and other events at Holy Trinity.
We are here to pray with you, for you and for those you love.
Join us for Morning prayer online or our in-person Bible studies at the Chaplaincy flat.
Our Team
Revd. David Brown
Revd. David Brown was installed as Chaplain of Holy Trinity, Las Palmas on Friday, November 17th, 2023. Together with his wife Hanna, David moved to Gran Canaria after having served in the Anglican Chaplaincy in Warsaw, Poland.
Donations to support our work are always welcome.
Bank Sabadell
IBAN: ES73 0081 7721 2100 0101 6210
Account holder: Capilla Anglicana De Las Palmas